Digital Landscape Theater
Internationale Theater-Video-Produktion
This Project will be realised in cooperation with "Phronesis Diskurswerkstatt“.
Digital Landscape Theatre is the creation of a new room for exchanges. We are planning to develop a structure that on a long term enables international theatre and video productions to be realised outside the big cities; to say it like that, „from bar to barn into the world“. Taking Anton Chekhov’s „Cherry Orchard" as an example, teams will work on locations in Sineu/Balearic Islands and Schönhagen/Prignitz and combine their results. The „Cherry Orchard“, broaching the issues of declining agriculture, the decrease of the value of the produce, and „tourism“ as the only alternative, is a red-hot topic in rural areas. Digital nomads, work-away approach and a new aestheticization of the countryside without agriculture aggravate this degradation of rural areas and the work done there. Corona has increased the flight from the cities into the "rural". International cooperations and related exchange require new structures of production to keep functioning Creative processes must take place via using common digital tools. And real areas in particular offer themselves for these purposes - production may take place on-site in local teams, and linking up is done through video and film clips, that are exchanged digitally. New forms of art as a mixture of live-performances, videos and soundfiles, with the possibility of interaction with any place in the world, all of a sudden make the countryside more attractive than the big city. Digital Landscape Theatre contributes to this.
We cordially invite you to this unique digital retrospective which will take place online.
Via this link you can find the film in the livestream on May 8th at 6:55 pm:
The project will be sponsored through the programme „Global Village Ventures“ of the Darstellende e. V. Kunst funds.
Created by
Projectmanagement and artistic direction - Inka Thunecke and Katja Lebelt
Video - Lukas Thiele and Santiago Stankovic
Actors - Cornelia Heyse, Fabian Ohel and Marc de Pablo
Assistent - Charlotte Heyse
With the support of Fanny Staffa and Jannek Petri !
Digital Landscape Theatre – Trailer
Bevorstehende Termine
C/o Kleist Forum
Platz der Einheit 1
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
0151 62968186